First of all, we want to thank you on behalf of the entire Kinamo team for having a very exciting 2019. We hope that 2020 can be a year filled with moments of joy, both professionally as well as for your family.
With 2020 peeking around the corner we look back with happiness on the many beautiful things that 2019 brought us:
- 15 year anniversary of Kinamo.
- The first steps towards our ISO27001 certification in 2020
- An upgrade of our infrastructure and even faster connectivity
- A new network status page – provides you with a preview on our new upcoming brand identity
- A lot of great development projects such as TedxFlanders, Danny Devos, Stuer-Egghe, The Present Perfect, Anne Sophie and many more ‘back-end’ projects
A little chill time
Every year, during this holiday period we’re asked to forward our ‘cut-out’ Christmas card again. That is why this year we’ve made you a sparkling new version.
We’re not entirely sure why the card is such a success. But we’ve heard that it can be a nice project to keep mothers-in-law, children and others busy, in silence, during the many end of year dinners? 😉 😉
New year’s resolutions
Did you already make a list of new year’s resolutions for 2020?
For 2020 we intend to further work on our full-service approach in the field of Cloud hosting, DevOps and Development. You can expect a number of new services and initiatives from us in 2020.
Apart from our New year’s resolutions, Kinamo will, of course, remain the trusted Kinamo as you’ve always known it. Tailor-made solutions and a personal support approach are key elements!
What are your “online” resolutions for 2020? A new site? New infrastructure? Let us know so that we can see how we can help you in achieving them.
Happy Holidays!